Carpet Superstores Regina at 2425 Park Street, in Regina

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About Carpet Superstores Regina

The Carpet Superstores Regina is a Canadian national Home goods company located in Regina, Saskatchewan. To figure out why customers choose Carpet Superstores Regina and to assess the reputation of the company, check the latest reviews on this page. Also, you can add your own review with the latest experience of cooperation with this company.

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  • 2
    Shirley Wilson
    Posted Aug, 06 2019
    The initial consultation at the store went well.Found the flooring we wanted and set up an appointment for a quote.Were given the cost of the job and agreed to have the work done.Day of installation came and installers showed up.After they got started we left to be outhe of the way.Came back a few hours later to find that what had been put down was not what we had asked for.We had wanted the tile grouted,it was not.When asked why it wasn't done we were told OH I thought it was a mistake.But we were told both before the job and since that it can be.So why if the installer thought it couldn't be,didn't phone my cell to mention it or Call his store and ask if it were a mistake or not.Not just decide for himself.The next excuse he used was Oh well if you wanted it grouted then it's up to you to supply the grouting.I was always under the impression that when you contract a company,they supply the materials and you as the owner agree apon the price for the work and materials.Next was a dicrepency on the total.Over 400.00 over the original quote due to what we were told was not the right stair nosing.The one used was 3.00 a Sq foot higher in price.Plus in the quote they had not according to the installer charged for undercutting of doors.When a quote is given that is the price that is expected and budgeted for in most people's minds.Next I was not impressed with replacement of some of the trim pieces which,put back in place do not line up nicely.Now there are gaps,where there wasn't.Then there's the closet door that no longer opens.At first the second installer said the doors are too long now,they need to be trimmed.Next day we showed him that no,it was in the adjustment.But we just left it for the time being because he was using the back door to go in and out of to cut tile.We figured later if he wasn't sure we would just adjust it ourselves.One of his coments was Oh ya,I know I've done lots of them.We left for a bit to have lunch.Came back later.This was the last day.After they had finished up and left I realized the closet door was shut and appeared to be finished with the doors back in place.That is till I went to open it,only to find out he has jammed them shut and they won't open.Now we are left with the job of fixing them ourselves,but now more difficult and a bigger job because they can't be opened.
    I am not impressed. This kind of job we could have got anywhere .We complained for all the good it did.Were told the boss would phone back.Which he didn't. I would recommend anyone wanting work done to be very sure of what is being done and have everything itemized on your quote,with pricing so that nothing is missed and have the installer go over with it with you so he knows exactly what you asked for in the first place and doesn't just go Doing what he wants.
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